Wednesday, November 30, 2011

two pennies for change

seeing two pennies, separately, but together as one concept of change. however, this change was not heads up and i relegated it to thinking... maybe someday they will flip and be able to be picked up, or a small man will walk by and retrieve them from the nether regions of the aristocracy.

fresh warmth in hands...
the arabica...

"The root of the word has many meanings in Semitic languages including "west/sunset," "desert," "mingle," "merchant," "raven" and "comprehensible" with all of these having varying degrees of relevance to the emergence of the name. It is also possible that some forms were metathetical from ʿ-B-R "moving around" (Arabic ʿ-B-R "traverse"), and hence, it is alleged, "nomadic." Wikipedia

coffee from many miles away.
beans roasted for another day.

love words...
love fashion...

renounce fascism.
deeper meanings and the connection that lie between them.
sun and warmth and the 1/8 orgasmic sneeze.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

heart's journey

falling in love with fire
more so than desire?

Liking to pin everything to fate,
this is truly the soul's mate.

viscosity of veins
embracing all life's pains.

hearts yearning
anahata burning

shores farther from whence it once seemed
am i the angel "the others" have deemed?

asking forgiveness
seeking foreverness

holy hearts
wholly parts

sickness imparts
deadly starts



Tuesday, November 01, 2011

A poem of thought

Coming to a head
The stream buries me.

Calamities Resound as barren mind washes away,
Water Element.

Frequency of sound vibrating your mass
Healing mind,
Freeing soul
Beautiful but truth?

Trees flower without your hand,
Planted in despair.

Disease riddled, doubtful, drunk on air
Perilous times best of the worst.

We merry revellers of light despite the moons half glow.
reflection of solaris.

Dancing boys toil in hypnotic movements and Jesus heals
the crown of thorns.

The crowded masses trespass on our timid distinction of factions.
Fact or fiction?

Or is it mere fiction that my dereliction grows from my suspicion of you
and your declaration of righteousness.

Cigarettes a blazing
For if we are the chosen ones .

The sun and u and I.
For tomorrow we die.

Small fish are dried and
the pinoy fries
in the equatorial sun.

Ha, how much fun
could we b the one?

To many rhymes can lead to delirious crimes.
Hungover on smelling the masses crassness
I've returned to take passes at all the jackasses.

Dismayed at simpletons complexes
I renounce my connection to your annexation of my energies
You are no longer a friend of me- you are now a frienemy.

I will keep you close enough,
Can u smell my verbosity?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Its been a long strange trip back to where it started

Six years started, ago. Leg go the ego
Here I am embarking on the new mission.
Death dies in the moment.
Just say yes to the now.
in these moments of many chocolate covered coffee beans i have a dream.
in this dream there is no self esteem, simply the being.
I've seen jerga's like its circa '96,
this is more fun then pick up sticks.
Its within the circular movement as time unfolds.
Buckminster, full of ideas
Dymaxion was his passion.
Now it's our turn down here,
with all the action.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

back in the saddle again

thats what i said. but, this time, no capitol letters. i get pissed always having to backspace to use them so why fret. my radio show went well, its over now and i am in post collegent depression. just for a few simple reasons. not doing anything is not one of them because i really havent done much since the classes of '05 adjourned until our one year. 1) i miss hanging out with the love of my life. since she is a year younger i am left to do anything but p funk it, but i dont want to. i want those lazy hazy kiss cover days back with a vengence. 2) sometime soon i will have to get a real job or back to grad school. yet, i dont know what to do for that. i would like to go to law school, but sometimes i feel like i am basically illiterate. that was an obvious personnel knock to my self esteem. level are looking low these days. could be because of possible yeast infection, no boys not one of those ones. instead one that effects the shitter and makes you feel like a lump of coal on xmass morning (whatever that means). it is an allergic reaction to yeast in breads and other such grains. makes it difficult for a vegetarian pussy like myself to get any neutrients, not that they are neutral or anything. so i shall take the lsats. i dont want to be no good for nothing two bit white ass lawyer like me grandpoppy, however. i want to save the world like Gandhi did. that would be the way to go. none of this self serving proselytizing agenda that the Barnes firm has going for it.
3) lacrosse is not one of them. but, i would love to start riding a road bike. pushing myself in the athletic arena with no one pushing it for me. i want to both be smart, well confident is a better word here, and athletically challenged. instead of asslete i am currently. thats all for now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

the path to enlightenment, not so fast

By looking at the conspicuous consumptive purveyors of this wasteful society and the focus on newness and freshness there is only one result. The all encompassing “we” will become even more insane fastidious cogs in the waste mongering machine of capitalism.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I happened upon a discarded cup of ownerless Fruitloops. Wondering what would happen if no one ate them; a picture of a landfill filled my cranium. They would not be wasted. After turning my back and almost leaving the pesticide, preservative ridden children’s breakfast cereal behind, I raced back to save Toucan Sam’s booty. Maybe I missed the point of the PhD, and his pontification of the importance of greens, but I needed to start somewhere. I saved those poor anti-health food treats from the endless amount of food that is wasted every day and utilized their poor nutritional value to fill my growling tummy.