Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I happened upon a discarded cup of ownerless Fruitloops. Wondering what would happen if no one ate them; a picture of a landfill filled my cranium. They would not be wasted. After turning my back and almost leaving the pesticide, preservative ridden children’s breakfast cereal behind, I raced back to save Toucan Sam’s booty. Maybe I missed the point of the PhD, and his pontification of the importance of greens, but I needed to start somewhere. I saved those poor anti-health food treats from the endless amount of food that is wasted every day and utilized their poor nutritional value to fill my growling tummy.

1 comment:

the warrior said...

Now that was a great take on Fruit Loops. I think looking down the grocery isle will forever allow me to contemplate a deeper meaning behind 'buy one get one free' and 'free prize in every box.