Tuesday, November 01, 2011

A poem of thought

Coming to a head
The stream buries me.

Calamities Resound as barren mind washes away,
Water Element.

Frequency of sound vibrating your mass
Healing mind,
Freeing soul
Beautiful but truth?

Trees flower without your hand,
Planted in despair.

Disease riddled, doubtful, drunk on air
Perilous times best of the worst.

We merry revellers of light despite the moons half glow.
reflection of solaris.

Dancing boys toil in hypnotic movements and Jesus heals
the crown of thorns.

The crowded masses trespass on our timid distinction of factions.
Fact or fiction?

Or is it mere fiction that my dereliction grows from my suspicion of you
and your declaration of righteousness.

Cigarettes a blazing
For if we are the chosen ones .

The sun and u and I.
For tomorrow we die.

Small fish are dried and
the pinoy fries
in the equatorial sun.

Ha, how much fun
could we b the one?

To many rhymes can lead to delirious crimes.
Hungover on smelling the masses crassness
I've returned to take passes at all the jackasses.

Dismayed at simpletons complexes
I renounce my connection to your annexation of my energies
You are no longer a friend of me- you are now a frienemy.

I will keep you close enough,
Can u smell my verbosity?

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